
2023 Vermentino

Nate Wall's Winemaker Notes

Vermentino continues to be my favorite white variety at Troon. Despite the obvious differences between the Applegate Valley of Southern Oregon and the Italian island of Sardinia in the Mediterranean, Vermentino wines from both locations share much in common. Throw that our vermentino hits the ripeness bullseye each year during harvest season, with the acidity, sugars, and flavors all ripening at exactly the right time - this lets me know that Vermentino loves growing at Troon Vineyard.

Our 2023 Vermentino was harvested on the morning of September 23, 2023. After making the short trip from the vineyard to the winery, 60% of the fruit was loaded directly into the press, while the remaining 40% was foot-treaded and allowed to soak on skins for a few hours before being loaded into the press. After pressing, the juice was settled for approximately twenty-four hours before being barreled down to neutral French oak barrels for fermentation.

As with all wines from Troon, no additives, acid or sugar adjustments, enzymes, or sulfur additions are used at crush. Primary fermentation occurs spontaneously with indigenous/native yeasts and bacteria. The barrel ferments in our cellar are cool and very slow, typically taking several months to complete their primary fermentation, finally finishing when the cellar starts

warming up in the spring. During this time, malolactic fermentation also occurs spontaneously. Usually, one hundred percent of the malic acid is converted to lactic acid, giving the wines a richer, rounder mouthfeel, which is also enhanced by the extended time spent on their primary lees. After roughly six months in barrel, this wine was racked to a tank for blending, where it received a small sulfur addition before being bottled unfined and unfiltered.

Nutrition and technical information

Technical Information

  • Alcohol: 13.7%
  • Appellation: Applegate Valley
  • Wine Type: White
  • Varietal Vermentino
$35.00 / 750ml
$420.00 / 12 bottle case
